Bosch Remanufactured High Pressure Oil Pump (HPOP) 1994 to 1995 7.3L Powerstroke (HP004X)-Main View
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Bosch Remanufactured High Pressure Oil Pump (HPOP) 1994 to 1995 7.3L Powerstroke


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Shop with Blessed Performance for the Bosch Remanufactured High Pressure Oil Pump (HPOP) for your 1994-1995 Ford 7.3L Powerstroke diesel. The OEM High Pressure Oil Pump on the 7.3L's has a high likelihood of failure or wear over time. This can result in a loss of pressure, impacting injector performance. Reduced pressure can lead to slower injector firing, resulting in decreased power and fuel efficiency. To address this issue, Bosch provides a replacement unit that can be conveniently installed as a substitute for the factory pump. Additionally, the Bosch High Pressure Oil Pump includes a seal kit for a comprehensive installation process.

  • Remanufactured To OEM Specifications
  • Prevents A Loss Of Oil Pressure
  • Direct-Fit Installation
  • Genuine Bosch Part