Volant Air Filter Cleaning Kit Red| Cleaning Kit for Volant Primo Red Filters (VP5110)-Main View
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Volant Air Filter Cleaning Kit Red| Cleaning Kit for Volant Primo Red Filters

SKU: VP5110


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Shop with Blessed Performance for the Volant Air Filter Cleaning Kit-Red for your Volant Primo Red Filters. Air flow test have proven that cotton-gauze filters flow much more air than paper element filters do. However, when they get dirty, they can clog up and limit air flow. This is one reason why you should clean your air filter with Volant's filter cleaner kit. The kit contains Volant's filter cleaner that loosens and removes dirt trapping capabilities. Volant's filter oil contains a red dye to easily see where the oil has saturated into the filter, eliminating the common mistake of over oiling the filter. When used correctly, Volant's filter cleaner kit can maintain the life and performance of your Volant high-flow filter and Cool Flow air intake systems.
  • Red Dye For Primo Filters 
  • Allows For Multiple Cleanings 
  • Includes Filter Cleaner & Filter Oil