AFE Scorcher Blue Bluetooth Power Module 2017 to 2019 6.7L Powerstroke (AFE77-83020)-Main View
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AFE Scorcher Blue Bluetooth Power Module 2017 to 2019 6.7L Powerstroke

SKU: AFE77-83020

Shop with Blessed Performance for the AFE Scorcher Blue Bluetooth Power Module for your 2017-2019 Ford 6.7L Powerstroke diesel. With four, preprogrammed tunes, the Bluetooth Power Module allows you to change settings easily to match driving conditions and styles. Easily make power adjustments, custom tune different power modes, view gauges for engine parameters, upgrade to the latest revision, measure acceleration times and increase engine performance up to +50 Horsepower & +96TQ. Take advantage of your iOS or android device and use it to fine tune the settings of your vehicle with the Scorcher Blue Bluetooth Power Module.
  • Simple Install
  • Easily Adjustable 
  • +50 Horsepower & +96TQ
  • Four Preprogrammed Settings


This product CAN NOT be sold in or shipped to the state of California.