ATS 6.7L Powerstroke Replacement Turbo- MAIN VIEW
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ATS Aurora 3000 VFR Variable Factory Replacement Turbo 2011 to 2014 6.7L Powerstroke

SKU: ATS2023023368

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Shop with Blessed Performance for the ATS Aurora 3000 VFR Variable Factory Replacement Turbocharger, 2011-2014 Ford 6.7L Powerstroke. This turbo has up-graded ball bearing packs that are far superior to the factory Ford bearings. The factory turbo charger fails prematurely because of the extra load exerted by the heavy double back compressor wheel.

This failure has been eliminated with the upgrade of our HD bearing pack. This turbo is an excellent upgrade over stock when being used to simply replace your failed turbo charger or upgrade the power of your 6.7L Powerstroke Diesel.

  • This turbo charger Will not replace a cab and chassis style turbo charger.
  • If you have a cab and Chassis built truck you will need to purchase our Cab and Chassis turbo.
  • Re-uses factory pedestal and oil feed lines.


  • Aurora 3000 Turbo
  • Pedestal
  • Improved Up-Pipes with Heavy Duty Bellows
  • Fittings, Gaskets, and Hardware


ATS Diesel VFR Turbo Overview for Duramax, Cummins, & Powerstroke | Alligator Performance