BD Power Exhaust Manifold 2013 to 2018 6.7L Cummins 3500/4500/5500 (Cab & Chassis)

SKU: 1045968


Shop with Blessed Performance for the BD Power Exhaust Manifold for your 2013-2018 Dodge Ram 6.7L Cummins diesel. This fully divided pulse exhaust manifold is made from high-silicon ductile iron to withstand extreme under hood temperatures and vibration. The precision slip joints allow for the manifold to expand and contract, to reduces cyclic thermal fatigue and greatly increases manifold longevity.

  • Fully EGR Compatible
  • Pre-Drilled & Tapped For Pyrometer Probes
  • High-Silicon Ductile Iron Casting Withstands Extreme Temperature Cycling
  • Thick-Walled Casting & Integral Slip Joint Prevents Cracking & Exhaust Leaks


For Cab & Chassis models ONLY 

This product CAN NOT be sold in or shipped to the state of California.