BD Power Remanufactured Stock Replacement Turbocharger 2019 to 2023 6.7L Cummins

SKU: 1045777


Blessed Performance has the new BD Power STOCK REPLACEMENT HE300VG Turbocharger for your 2019-2023 RAM 6.7L CUMMINSSpecializing in remanufacturing turbos, BD offers units for Dodge, Ford, Chevy, Caterpillar, Detroit, Cummins, Komatsu, Toyota, automotive, light duty pick-up, agriculture, marine, commercial, industrial, gas and diesel applications. Quality exchange OEM turbochargers remanufactured in the BD-Power shop, staffed with experienced industry-leading personnel. Fully equipped with manual and CNC lathes, high speed VSR precision balancer, precision grinders, measuring instruments, pressure blasters and wheelabrators.


  • Drops in to the stock location
  • Each actuator is calibrated and tested prior to shipping
  • VSR high speed balanced
  • Includes BD's HE300 Turbo Mounting Kit (PN: 1045999) with all the necessary hardware for your turbo install


 This product does not require an EO in California. By nature of its design, it is legal for sale and use in all 50 states. Replacement parts included. (EMS:4)

Notes & Warnings

  • CA Residents: CARB E.O. Number on file - LEGAL for use in California.