4 Upgrades That Can Benefit Your SUV’s Gas Mileage thumbnail image

4 Upgrades That Can Benefit Your SUV’s Gas Mileage

Estimated 0 min read

6th May 2024

SUVs aren’t known for getting great gas mileage, but that doesn’t mean they’re not capable of it. Among their obvious benefits, like off-road power and handling and spacious cabins, SUVs can save more on gas. With a simple upgrade or two, an SUV will use far less gas to get you where you want to go and work just as hard when you get there. Here are four upgrades that can benefit your SUV’s gas mileage.

Change the Tires

The tires that came with your SUV are probably fine, but they’re also standard issue. Upgrade your tires to more fuel-efficient models. Low-rolling resistance tires reduce the amount of energy your SUV requires to complete their rotation, which means burning less fuel.

Low-rolling tires have thinner sidewalls and a shallower tread than standard tires, and they’re made of special rubber. They also make the ride smoother and easier.

Upgrade the Filters

The cleaner the air entering the engine, the better it works. Dirt, debris, and gunk in the engine make it work harder than it has to, which means it burns more fuel. Upgrading to higher-quality, high-performance, reusable air filters will create a cleaner flow of air into the engine, keeping all the pistons happily firing. You’re doing the environment a favor, as well, by releasing less exhaust and reusing filters.

Engine Control Unit (ECU) Tuning

When tuning with custom diesel tunes, go into the on-board computer (or ECU) and reprogram it to provide a different tuning than the factory presets. You can reprogram the ECU to alter fuel injection rates, air-to-fuel ratios, fuel ignition rates, and other settings for greater fuel efficiency. However, this is a job best left to your mechanic. Keep in mind that the factory presets exist to keep your vehicle in line with regulations and standards on emissions.

Upgrade the Exhaust System

Your SUV’s factory-issued parts are probably doing a good job already. However, few upgrades improve performance and gas mileage more than changing the exhaust system to a high-performance model. The exhaust system’s main job is to reduce pressure, especially back pressure, on the engine. Back pressure makes the engine work harder. Luckily, an exhaust system upgrade provides exhaust with a quicker escape, rerouting it through a new configuration of pipes. An engine that works better, not harder, means more gas in your tank and money in your pocket.

One More Tip…

Besides these four upgrades that can benefit your SUV’s gas mileage, you should reduce the weight your vehicle carries. Decide what parts need to stay and which need to go (or be replaced by lighter versions). Give your SUV a break, and it’ll give your wallet one!

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