DDP INJECTOR NOZZLE SET 30% OVER 75HP for 2008 to 2010 LMM 6.6L Duramax



Shop with Blessed Performance for the DDP INJECTOR NOZZLE SET 30% OVER 75HP for 2008 to 2010 LMM 6.6L Duramax diesel pickups.


  • Flowing at 30 percent over, capable of 675-700 RWHP with proper supporting modifications.
  • Biggest nozzle recommended for stock CP3 pump or turbo.
  • Not recommended for frequent or heavy towing applications with stock turbo.
  • Sold as a balanced and matched set.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  All nozzles should be installed and the injectors calibrated by a professional shop that is familiar with calibrating over sized injectors.  Due to the massive variations in calibrations of injectors from other manufacturers, Blessed/DDP cannot guarantee you will see the stated horsepower gains unless the nozzles are installed by Dynomite Diesel and all other supporting modifications are in place.

Notes & Warnings

  • CA Residents: CARB E.O. Number on file - LEGAL for use in California.