DDP INJECTOR SET 15% OVER 50HP for 2004.5 to 2007 Dodge 5.9L Cummins

SKU: DDP.NOZ-C325-15


Shop with Blessed Performance for DDP INJECTOR SET 15% OVER 50HP for 2004.5 to 2007 Dodge 5.9L Cummins diesel pickups.


  • Approximately 50 RWHP over Stock.
  • Safe on Stock truck. E
  • Excellent street manners and MPG.
  • Sold as a complete Set with new copper washers and injector hold-down tool.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  All nozzles should be installed and the injectors calibrated by a professional shop that is familiar with calibrating over sized injectors.  


This product CAN NOT be sold in or shipped to the state of California. 

Notes & Warnings

  • CA Residents: CARB E.O. Number on file - LEGAL for use in California.