MADS Smarty Programmer "Power on Demand"
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MADS Smarty Programmer "Power on Demand"



Shop with Blessed Performance for the MADS Smarty Programmer "Power on Demand"



  • Catcher software's inside
  • Ten different  performance levels.
  • Fastest download in the industry, up to three times faster than the competition, a typical ECM update takes about 3.5 to 5  minutes, depending on the truck model.
  • ABS tire height updates in just few seconds.
  • Not traceable in the stock setting. Smarty leaves no footprint.
  • Manual High Idle is enabled in all software's
  • Reads  Diagnostic Trouble Codes in plain text.
  • No tools required, no fuses to pull.
  • USB built in for simple updates .
  • Most complete keyboard in the industry.
  • Reliable, it works off your OEM hardware.
  • Programmable Speed Limiter from 25 to 250 mph
  • Power on Demand

The horsepower settings. except #0, all other software's have a modified "Torque management" ( TQM ). The throttle response is greatly improved but is set to a safe limit. With "Safe" meaning safe for your transmission and rest of the drive-line.
SW # 0 : Half power
SW # 1 : 30 Hp increase, with added timing .
SW # 2 : 60 Hp increase, no added timing.
SW # 3 : 60 Hp increase, with added timing.
SW # 4 : 90 Hp increase, no added timing.
SW # 5 : 90 Hp increase, with added timing.
SW # 6 : 160 Hp increase, no added timing.
SW # 7 : 160 Hp increase, with added timing.
SW # 8 : 210 Hp increase, no added timing.
SW # 9 : 210 Hp increase, with added timing.

Tested on stock trucks on a Mustang Dyno.
Stock means just that. Stock! Even the air filters were stock...
The trucks were S T O C K, even the wastegate settings! We checked the "baseline" ( the stock truck Hp at the rear wheels ) twice in a day in order to be sure about our findings. The above declared HP numbers are all rounded down to the closest number. For example the 90 Hp file actually did 96 Hp. That's a 90 Hp software for me, not a 100. The 170 Hp was 174.
Power on Demand
100 power levels selectable in just one second during the driving! It's easy: just type the preferred power level directly on Smarty keyboard, from 00 to 99.  That's all! For security reason, the truck waits that the throttle is released before applying the new power level. Combine Smarty POD with the Edge Products Insight CS2/CTS2  to monitor your trucks vitals and control your Power on Demand settings!  
No trace is left in the ECM!
Smarty claims that SmartyCR is the FIRST AND ONLY downloader that does not erase any of the stored data in the ECM. Smarty does NOT leave any electronic footprints in the ECM or any other electronic module in the truck. Smarty does NOT set ANY codes once the ECM is set back to stock. Smarty does NOT need to have fuses pulled. No matter what the competition claims , in one way or another they're ALL detectable. Smarty is NOT!
Yet, Smarty can not do one thing for you. Fix what others have broken. Smarty can not restore a key on counter that another downloader has erased . Smarty can not fix VIN# troubles caused by other products. If your Check engine / ABS light is on because another product has screwed your ECM, Smarty can not fix it, the other guy HAS to...
ABS / Speedo re-calibration
The tire height can be adjusted up to 44" in increments of 10 tenth of an inch in just a couple seconds. Of course, Smarty needs to be VIN# locked to the truck in order to get into the ABS adjustment section.
DTC Code Reader
The name says it all. You can read and erase codes. Codes are displayed also in plain English. That's old news by now. Smarty S-03 was the first 
one to provide that utility, others found the idea to be a good one too.  ( Smarty does erase ABS codes too but does not display them )
ECM Update Speed
Faster than anything else on the market! Again we've done our homework on the protocol. Less than 5 minutes. Three times faster than a Star-Scan diagnostic tool or competitor. We have developed our own boot-loader in order to not have to pull fuses should an update become interrupted for any reason. All you have to do is to turn the key off / key on Smarty does everything else on it's own.
The CaTCHER software's as they are today are only a starting point. Expect major news in future. Were for your feedback, opinions, likes, dislikes... We will make Smarty do what YOU want, TOGETHER. Click Here to Learn How to Upgrade Your Smarty & FAQ