The 5 Best Upgrades for the Dodge 5.9L 24V Engine

The 5 Best Upgrades for the Dodge 5.9L 24V Engine

18th Jun 2024

The Dodge 5.9L 24V Cummins engine is a favorite among diesel enthusiasts for its reliability and performance. If you want to push the limits and derive more power and efficiency from this iconic engine, several upgrades can take your engine to the next level. Here’s a breakdown of the five best upgrades for the Dodge 5.9L 24V engine.

Tune It Up!

Performance tuners can goose better performance and power out of your Dodge 5.9L 24V engine. These devices tell your truck’s onboard computer to allow for changes in fuel use, horsepower, torque, and more. Change the factory settings, and create customized driving modes that better suit your needs. Talk to your mechanic about this, and remember to avoid pushing your engine beyond its abilities for greater performance and longer life.

Baby, It’s Cold Inside!

Try adjusting the cold air intake system or replacing it with a high-performance intake system to help your engine take in cool air. Cool air is denser and richer with oxygen. When your engine takes in that air, the combustion process leads to greater horsepower, enhanced throttle response, and far better fuel economy. Keep cool and drive hot with a cold air intake system!

Slap Back That Back Pressure!

A high-flow exhaust system is handy for reducing back pressure on your engine. Back pressure occurs when exhaust encounters debris and other build-up in the pipes and goes back toward the engine, reducing performance. A high-performance, high-flow exhaust system lets your engine expel exhaust with greater efficiency. Horsepower and torque will increase; plus, this upgrade allows your truck to deliver a more enhanced and resonant exhaust note. Sounds good!

Get Turbocharged!

Every Dodge 5.9L 24V engine has a stock turbocharge of terrific quality. But you can always make something that’s pretty good into something great. Upgrading your turbocharger will boost performance, especially when you reach high RPMs. Likewise, hauling and tower power will increase, fuel consumption will drop, and the engine will experience lower exhaust temperatures with a high-performance turbocharger.

Fueling Up(grades)!

Look at your fuel injectors. Are they ready for an upgrade? New fuel injectors and other fuel system components will immediately increase your engine’s power output. The bigger the injectors, the more fuel they provide the engine through improved fuel atomization and greater combustion efficiency.

Those are the five best upgrades for the Dodge 5.9L 24V engine! For other ideas and products to enhance your engine’s performance, contact us today. We offer Cummins 5.9 tuners as well as other products that take your engine to greater heights!