Schaeffer's Oil Change Kit 10W-30 SynShield 2008-2010 Ford 6.4L Powerstroke

SKU: SCH10W30_6.4


Blessed Performance offers the ultimate oil service kit for your 2008-2010 Ford 6.4L Powerstroke. With the Schaeffer's Engine Oil with SynShield protection you can expect extend oil life, cooler temps, smoother running engine and cleaner injector health. In the 6.0 Powerstroke we use oil different than all the other diesel engines because we have a HEUI system which turns your engine oil into hydraulic oil to fire your injectors. Due to this we here at Blessed Performance only run the best engine oil on the market that has proven time and time again to extend injector life along with providing better performance overall. When you pressurize engine oil in this fashion you can shorten the life of the engine oil when using inferior engine oils. Schaeffer's proprietary technology increases the life and reliability of the engine. Most diesel engines run less than 100 PSI of oil pressure where in the 6.0 Powerstroke we increase the oil pressure to around 4500PSI at wide open throttle in the injection system. Call the 6.0 Powerstroke specialists to get your oil change kit ordered today. 


  • Ford OEM Motorcraft Filter Included 
  • 4 Gallons of Schaeffer's Engine Oil 
  • Schaeffer's SynShield 10W-30 (We recommend this oil where temps often fall below 30 degrees Fahrenheit) 
  • Improved Wear Protection 
  • Excellent Cold Crank Startability
  • Excellent Protection Against Oil Aeration 


Full synthetic heavy-duty diesel oil that offers strong fuel economy benefits without sacrificing engine durability.


SynShield® OTR Plus 10W-30 Engine Oil is a premium advanced performance, fully synthetic, heavy-duty diesel engine oil formulated to provide maximum protection against wear, oxidation, deposit formation, soot contamination and aeration.

Exceeds API Service Categories for heavy-duty-diesel engine oil: CK-4, CJ-4, CI-4, CI-4 Plus and older.

SynShield® OTR Plus 10W-30 Full Synthetic Engine Oil provides excellent fuel economy while maintaining engine durability and longevity. Using our proprietary friction modifiers, Micron Moly® and Penetro®, SynShield® OTR Plus 10W-30 Engine Oil creates a slippery, tenacious shield that prevents metal-to-metal contact for increased engine efficiency.


Our fully synthetic 10W-30 oil is suitable for use in emission compliant engines that utilize heavy exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and exhaust after-treatment devices such as diesel particulate filters (DPFs) with or without diesel oxidation catalysts (DOCs) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR). SynShield® OTR Plus 10W-30 Full Synthetic Oil can also be used in low-emission certified diesel engines that are equipped with EGR, older non-EGR containing diesel engines, and off-highway diesel engines.

Performance Benefits

  • Improved wear protection – 71% less wear than conventional 10W-30 CJ-4 oils.
  • High thermal and oxidative stability for greater resistance to viscosity thickening and the formation of deposits, sludge and varnish.
  • Strong soot-busting, deposit-dispersing capability – 46% greater soot handling than conventional 10W-30 CJ-4 oils.
  • Excellent shear stability for stay-in-grade performance throughout the oil drain interval.
  • Superior low volatility characteristics to control oil consumption.
  • Improved and optimized engine durability and reliability – especially for older model engines.
  • Excellent protection against oil aeration and foaming.
  • Excellent cold crank startability and low temperature pumpability.

Add some Schaeffer's All Season Carbon Treat Fuel Additive to complete the kit and clean those injectors to provide better fuel mileage. 

Schaeffer Carbon Treat All Season is a premium diesel fuel additive formulated to prevent and control the formation of asphaltenes and other unstable compounds that can lead to the formation of deposits that plug fuel filters and fuel injectors. Boasting 3 times the detergency needed to provide clean-up and keep clean performance, Schaeffer's oil additive can be used in any diesel powered vehicle and in all types of diesel fuel including low sulfur diesel and biodiesel blends. Coupled with a highly concentrated multi-functional additive package, 137CTPA Carbon Treat provides rust and corrosion protection to the entire fuel system, improves fuel efficiency, restores horsepower, and significantly improves the gelling point and low temperature operability of the fuel.

Notes & Warnings

  • CA Residents: CARB E.O. Number on file - LEGAL for use in California.